Monday, June 2, 2008

Important Vote on Medicare

The fight goes on! The house passed legislation in August 2007 that increased the benefits Medicare pays for the care of dialysis patients with end-stage renal disease. Now it is the Senate's turn. I urge you all to write your senators and strongly urge them to create and support legislation that mirrors that passed by the House of Representatives (the house bill is H.R. 1193, The Kidney Care Quality and Education Acts 0f 2007 and you can read more about it on the House website here). Here is a helpful link  from the National Kidney Foundation that will help you write your senators. As a former dialysis patient, a kidney transplant recipient, and a nursing student soon to be a hemodialysis nurse working in a dialysis clinic, I know the physical and emotional trials that patients with ESRD on dialysis face everyday and the need for adequate Medicare coverage for ESRD is as necessary as it ever was. Please support this campaign.

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