Thursday, September 2, 2010

Controlling Blood Pressure

I was working a shift at Triumph Hospital two weeks ago and I was caring for a patient who is in a vegetative state after having a cerebral hemorrhage due to uncontrolled blood pressure. Being that high blood pressure destroyed my kidneys, this really brought me back to the devastating reality of what damaging effects high blood pressure has. This is an interesting article about high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease and their effects on the African-American population.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Transplant For A Friend

My good friend Jon was transplanted last week and is doing well. It is his second kidney transplant and I have great hope that it will be a success. I haven't posted in long time, as I've been beyond busy working as a hemodialysis nurse full-time, per diem at a hospital on a step-down unit, and school for my Master of Science in Nursing. My kidney is still doing very well...on 07/07/10, it will have been 3 years. WooHoo!!! More to come as I have time.